• 'A favorite of mine is tulip magnolia, the way the buds erupt into blooms and the blooms into a litter of color on lawns, all in a matter of weeks while it’s snowing cherry blossoms. How startlingly beautiful impermanence can be.'

    Alisha Gorder

    One Bouquet of Fleeting Beauty, Please

  • 'I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked.'

    Sylvia Plath

    The Bell Jar

  • 'when you're young you just believe there will be many people who you'll connect with and later in life you realise it only happens a few times'

    Before Sunset

  • 'when the city stops evolving, the city dies'

    Summit One Vanderbilt

  • 'Precious moments made all the more precious by the fact that they have already come and gone. Now I measure months by what’s in season: sunflowers in July, dahlias in August, rosehips and maple in October, pine in December, hyacinth in March, crowd-pleasing peonies in May.'

    Alisha Gorder

    One Bouquet of Fleeting Beauty, Please

  • 'If you need to tell 'em, "Sorry" (Sorry, my fault, it's okay) Then I'll have the right bouquet (Right bouquet) When words don't come so easy (Ah), believe me, you need these They know just what to say (I-I-I-I love you)'

    Olivia Dean

    I Could Be A Florist

  • 'Can we just float here for a while? Take our time and just Lie back and coast here for a mile Before we get too deep'

    Olivia Dean


  • 'Life is what happens to you While you're busy making other plans'

    John Lennon

    Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)

  • 'After all, it is only in the pruning that we can bear fruit'

    Shon Faye

    Love in Exile


  • Marte Gulli

    Oslo-based owner of Carousel

    Creates installations, hosts artist residencies

  • SAGE

    Based in Peckham, South London

    Focused on floristry as design, SAGE run workshops, provide lots of editorial clients with floral arrangements, and

‘the floating world’

referring to culture + lifestyle of Edo period Japan

detachment from bother + living in the moment
